Under the Cactus Moon (42x32)
State of Mind (37x30)
Ceremony (30x24)
Invoked (54x38)
Surrender (12x16)
Fem Ray (24x18)
Moment (18x14)
Desert Icons 1 (16x12)
Sebastian and Bird (24x18) On Paper
Shapeshifting (14x11)
Cantare (24x18)
Metacarpus (acquisition of the Albuquerque Museum) (14x11)
Peregrination of the Dissident Daughters (14x11)
Entactogen (27x27)
Espero (38x32)
La Victoire (36x25)
Blessings to You (48x38)
Dreaming While Awake (25x18)
Time Off (24x18) On Paper
Poetry (24x25)
Tenderness (24x18) On Paper
Awake (24x26)
Epanouie (12x9)
Delight (29x24)
Beam (30x30)
Self-Sufficiency of Nullipara (14x11)
Attend (22x22)
Realized Repair (24x19)
Vertical Horizon (14x11)
Witness (24x26)
Ancestor 1 (12x12)
The Alchemists (54x38)
Fullness in No Self (34x30)
Renew to New (24x30)
Fresh Rain (19x24)
Icaro (24x25)
Bloom (18x14)
Evolution (24x12)
Sovereign (24x18)
Desert Icons 2 (16x12)
Pause (40x40)
Promise (14x11)
Behold (14x11)
Ferry Across (acquisition of the Bernalillo County Arts Board) (14x11)
Wisdom of the Ancestors (14x11)
Maiden Voyage (14x11)
Ancestor 2 (12x12)
For painting purchasing inquiries or to commission a Fotura, please get in touch.